Use "was put out of his misery|be put out of his misery" in a sentence

1. Go put the bum out of his misery.

2. Please, put me out of my misery.

3. Let's put you out of your misery.

4. Might have put me out of my misery.

5. He is nothing but meat and flesh and tendon, put him out of his misery.

6. Put this stupid little man out of all our misery.

7. Shut up or I'll put you out of your misery.

8. The dying man was suffering so much that we thought it kinder to put him out of his misery.

9. Candy, if you want me to, I'll put that old dog out of his misery right now.

10. Go on, put them out of their misery and announce the winner.

11. Please put me out of my misery. How do you do it?

12. Two further developments are likely to put the rouble zone out of its misery before long.

13. In the end we asked the vet to put the poor creature out of its misery .

14. She was most put out by his rudeness.

15. The reason to his reclusion was in his feeling of historical disillusion and of misery life.

16. He put his hand out, touching his father's cheek.

17. How can we blot out the memory of past misery?

18. He put out his hand toward her.

19. Vern put his hand out this time.

20. The child put out his tongue and licked his lollipop.

21. He put his toothbrush down and rinsed his mouth out.

22. He Belligerently refused to put out his cigarette

23. He put on his gloves and went out.

24. He put his back out lifting the crates.

25. Paul strode towards the parlour, his misery forgotten.

26. Wars add misery on misery.

27. 4 He put his back out lifting the crates.

28. That impudent boy put his tongue out at me.

29. The impertinent boy put his tongue out at me.

30. He put his hands over his ears to block out the noise.

31. It put his nose out of joint to see someone getting attention.

32. Barry had his nose put out of joint by Lucy's aloof sophistication.

33. 23 He put his opponent out in the fifth round.

34. And this... is where Viktor Petrov put out his cigar.

35. His mother put his nose out of joint by not letting him go to the movie.

36. 27 She accepted the kiss with icy disdain, and his misery was complete.

37. 29 Barry had his nose put out of joint by Lucy's aloof sophistication.

38. He's so conceited that when she refused his invitation, it really put his nose out of joint.

39. Then he put his fingers in his mouth and let out a shrill whistle.

40. Don't be such a misery.

41. 11 He'd left his sausage and the square of treacle tart she'd put out for his pudding.

42. He put a marker in his book and followed her out.

43. He put on his slippers and padded out to the kitchen.

44. He fell from the window sill and put his shoulder out.

45. To end his misery, Walter decided to jump off a bridge.

46. So Moses put his hand into his cloak, and when he took it out, it was leprous, like snow.

47. He's so conceited that when she refused his invitation(, it really put his nose out of joint.

48. I want to be put out.

49. To have a government which functions -- that's what brought California out of the misery of 1850.

50. He failed to put across his feelings when they went out together.

51. Constantine had his uncle's eyes put out and the tongues of his father's four other half-brothers cut off.

52. She said she took Emilio out of his bowl and put him on the carpet.

53. A co-worker of his found out about his prison record and began to put the bite on him.

54. That the killer ever saw, yes, was the old man take out a razor of his own, put it to his throat and...

55. She summons Deronda and pours out her desire to be what he wants, her inarticulate misery confounding him.

56. (Revelation 16:16) Immediately after that, Satan the Devil and his hordes of demon forces will be put out of action.

57. 5 A co-worker of his found out about his prison record and began to put the bite on him.

58. 8 He felt the wide gaze of the french windows at his back and the awareness put his timing out.

59. Anaesthetise, anesthetise, anesthetize, put under, put out

60. Head bowed and sobbing, she was the picture of misery.

61. He'd need to keep his senses sharp and try to put any such callow thoughts quite out of his mind.

62. His heritage from me could only have been misery, poverty and the lash.

63. They put themselves out of reach.

64. The Misery of Civil Strife

65. Put flags out.

66. He held out his hand, and after a moment's hesitation she put hers into his warm clasp.

67. Living without the help of God’s organization and his standards would result in unhappiness and misery.

68. This was not enough to put Tennessee out of action.

69. 25 Then he just wandered away, hands plunged down the back of his underpants with misery.

70. He has taken out a half-page advertisement in his local paper to put his point across.

71. The appointment was put off because of his illness.

72. He looked the personification of misery.

73. And the LORD said furthermore unto him, Put now thine hand into thy bosom. And he put his hand into his bosom: and when he took it out, behold, his hand was leprous as snow.

74. Synonyms: anaesthetize / anesthetise / Anaesthetise / put under / put out

75. The put-put of motorbikes drowns out the music of the organ-grinder.

76. Zen popped two motion-sickness pills out of their plastic nests and put them in his mouth.

77. Athelstan put his hand gingerly into the small, dark space and brought out two rolls of parchment.

78. Clean out those arteries and put us out of business.

79. Long shuddering sobs shook her slight frame as she poured out her hurt and misery.

80. Could they not be put out to stud?